SGI Enlighten DSM 3.1
SGI EnlightenDSM 3.1.iso
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Add NIS Server
This window allows you to configure a NIS Server. NIS is supported on
all platforms that have appropriate software installed.
This window has the following fields:
Server Type
Use this toggle to specify what type of NIS server to configure, a
Master (the default) or Slave server. If you set this to be a Slave
server, the window will be redrawn to show the slave server fields.
Master Fields
NIS Master Hostname
Use this field to specify the hostname of the NIS master server.
NIS Domain Name
Use this field specify the domain name for this server.
NIS Slave Server Hostnames
You can use this field to specify any NIS slave servers for this
domain. This will not automatically configure the hosts as slaves,
but the hosts listed here will be added to the slave server list
which get updated NIS maps.
Configure Server as NIS Client
Use this toggle to specify if this server should also be configured
as an NIS client. The default is Yes.
Configure Master to use DNS
Use this toggle to specify if the NIS master server should use DNS
as a fallback. The default is No.
DNS Domain Name
You can only use this field if you set the Configure Master to use
DNS field to Yes. If so, you can use this field to specify the
domain name of the DNS servers the NIS master should reference.
DNS Server Hostnames
You can only use this field if you set the Configure Master to use
DNS field to Yes. If so, you can use this field to specify the
hostnames of the DNS servers the NIS master should reference.
Slave Fields
NIS Slave Hostname
Use this field specify the hostname of the NIS slave server.
NIS Master Hostname
Use this field specify the hostname of the NIS master server.
NIS Master Domain Name
Use this field specify the domain name for the NIS master server.
Configure Server as NIS Client
Use this toggle to specify if this server should also be configured
as an NIS client. The default is Yes.
Buttons (both types of NIS servers)
This window contains the following buttons:
Click on this button to add the new NIS server shown in the window.
Clear Fields
Click on this button to clear the existing choices in all fields.
Click on this button to discard any changes and close the window.